Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Canon EOS 350D with Canon 18-200mm IS lens
1/125 sec at f/5.6 ISO 100 at 35mm

I should probably admit to having a bit of a broom fetish when it comes to pictures. Since I probably won't stop taking pictures of them, what should I be doing to get a better picture?

Updated 2nd Jan 2011

So here's the same broom, with a bit brighter top section of red.  It was originally this colour when I took the picture, but I darkened it by accident when I added a filter to soften the white bit behind the broom.  


  1. Geoff,

    How to make this better all depends on what you're trying to communicate with this image.

    If you're going for a product shot then the background is too distracting. A pure white background would be better.

    If you're looking for a travel shot, then it lacks context. We need to see more about the country/location it was taken in. The red pillar on the left is reminiscent of east Asian temples, but I feel like I'm going out on limb there. Make it a little easier for the viewer to guess the location.

    If you're looking to do an interesting pattern study of the broom's construction and materials, you're not zoomed in enough. This is much to literal for a good pattern study.

    If it's just a shot of a broom, then it's not so bad. I would have brightened up the horizontal red bar at the top of the image to match the pillar on the right, thus helping to frame the image. I like the way the broom curves through the image giving it a very strong 3 dimensional feel.

    The red-orange colour palate works well. You could try to emphasise this a little more by removing any blue from the stone floor and make it a neutral grey. Or you could boost the blue in it and look for a complementary colour pair to the main subject. However to my eye, the floor looks like it has a magenta colour cast to it.

    Brutal Enough?

  2. Hi Geoff.

    Well, looks like I have a soft spot for brooms too then. I really like that broom.

    I agree with Steve with maybe lightening up the top red section to match the brightness of the red well on the right would make it more even, but if you want it to have the feel like there is a roof not too far overhead then you could just as easily leave it as is.

    I like the angle that the broom makes as it sweeps into the frame from top.

    I wouldn't put it up on a wall at home, but if you were doing an art showing with photos of all different brooms from all over the world, then this definitely deserves some wall space in that exhibit.

    Nice shot.


  3. I've updated the broom, see above.

    (Need to update this so we can post pictures as replies)

  4. Geoff,

    I like the second image with the red upper panel over the shadowed black one. However I would have also warped the image a little to make it more horizontal so it rhymes with the upper edge of the frame. Here it's an odd wedge shape that looks a little out of place with the other shapes in the image.

