Saturday, December 11, 2010


Here's a shot taken while on holidays in Germany. I quite like the architectural lines and the strong blue-orange colour pair.

Unfortunately it was taken with an old camera borrowed from a friend so I don't have much metadata to go with here.

Minolta Compact Camera, ??? EFL
1/640s, f/6.7 & ISO 100

So what could have been done better?

EDIT: second attempt at post processing.

Minolta Compact Camera, ??? EFL
1/640s, f/6.7 & ISO 100
Alternate crop and post processing.
In this image I changed the crop to remove that annoying bottom slab and move the central tower a little to the left.

I bleached the stairs a little to remove that yellow stain.

I adjusted the luminance, saturation and contrast to show more detail in the stonework.

Has it improved?


  1. Hi Steve,

    The good:
    I really like the colours and lines in this one. I also like the textures in the stone. The turret in the back also adds a nice feature.

    The bad:
    The thing that annoys me about this image is the fringe between the blue and the stone colour. That's chromatic aberration isn't it?
    You can probably fix that up in lightroom or photoshop.

    Other than that, I think its a nice photo.

    Ps: When is Geoff going to pose something :)

  2. Nice picture, but I'd probably say it's a bit too saturated in the buildings for my taste again. Can't wait for that new monitor to turn up with colour calibration.

    Anyway, a few other thoughts...

    Their's a big slab of white stone at the bottom right hand base of the picture, that doesn't really add anything to me.

    What's with the yellow reflection on the stairs. Did someone spill the paint, or are the stairs supposed to be glossy? Seems like the banister should be reflecting the yellow too, but it's not.

    I find the sky interesting in this picture too. The clouds seem to be painted in there. Not in the photoshop sense, but more like an artist painting with water colours.


  3. You've made a good point Geoff about the slab in the bottom right of the image.

    It would have been nice to stop a little bit closer and see the steps going down more and not have the slab there.

    I'm guessing there was some guard rail or something stopping you from doing that though Steve? Is that the case?

    I also didn't notice the colour on the stairs until you pointed it out.

    Cheers all!

  4. All good criticism guys.

    Don't really have an answer for the yellow in the stairs. I guess I could bleach that out in post processing, easily enough.

    Yep, blank slab in the foreground blocking the stairs is annoying too. I took this image some 5 years ago so I don't really remember exactly, but I imagine there was a railing there.

    Back then I didn't know much about photography or design so this wasn't the best exposed shot. It's been savagely manipulated in post processing to get it to something more interesting. However very little saturation was added. The overall image was brightened up a bit which reduced contrast in the yellow sandstone blocks and making them look more like a watercolour painting.

    I've reprocessed this image and added it to the original post, since I can't add it to this post.


  5. Hi Steve,

    I like the second edit better.

    The yellow is gone from the steps, and the blank slab is cropped from the bottom too.

    I do like the pattern in the stone work more as well.


  6. Craig,

    I must admit I like the second one much better too. I'm surprised how much better it looks after removing that block in the foreground.

    I'm also impressed with how much extra texture I could recover from the stone work too.

    What would I ever do without non-destructive post processing.

