Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Modern Architecture

Hi Guys,

This is an alternative take on pattern studies. Usually pattern studies are abstract, close up images, but this one is quite literal.

I kept this out of a number of candidates for it's blocky architectural shapes and the subtle hue variances between the apartments.

Modern Architectrue
Canon EOS Kiss Digital X with a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM lens at 320mm EFL
1/800s, f/5.6 & ISO 100
Tripod mounted with IS and remote shutter release.

Does it look like an interesting and colourful architectural pattern study to you, or...?


  1. Hi Steve,

    The good:
    I like the red sides on the taller building. I don't know why, I just do. I like that the window shapes are almost all identical across a number of the buildings.

    The bad:
    I don't really know what an architectural pattern study really is so i don't know if any of my comments are relevant. I also like skies to be a bit cleaner and blue. Maybe it's just my wishful thinking about how unpolluted skies should look, rather than being confronted with reality.


  2. Interesting shot. I like the muted colours and the pale sky. For me, they work together as a pallet. If the sky was much bluer, then for me, it would start distracting from the buildings.

    I was wondering about the choice of f5.6 for this shot. I aim to use a tighter aperture for most of my landscapes to increase the depth of field. Not that I find anything particularly out of focus, and perhaps at 200mm it doesn't really matter, but just interested to hear your comments.

    One thing I do find distracting when I look at this image at full size, is the sign/billboard on the left side of the picture. It's the only visible writing that I can read, and for some reason, it draws me in. It also gives away the location, which is a little disappointing because I like the idea of a generic cityscape that could be anywhere.

  3. Guys,

    I tend to agree with Geoff here, in that if the sky was much bluer then it would start to dominate the photo and take away from the main subject. Perhaps if there was a strong yellow to complement a strong blue it would work. However in this case all the colours in this image are muted, so a muted sky also fits the image.

