Saturday, February 5, 2011


Canon EOS 350D with Canon 18-200mm IS lens.  1/320 sec at f/7.1, ISO 400 EFL 272mm

A little bit of Grass. I took this one because the light was good, and well, I just like them. What could I have done to make it a better picture?


  1. Geoff,

    How could this image have been better, all depends on what you wanted to say with it...

    However I like this image. It's simple and a little mysterious. Three is a great number for an image. Hard to divide into two separate images. In this case all three bags are dynamically arranged in this image. One has fallen over giving the viewer a peek into it's contents.

    The mystery comes from wondering why are there bags of grass here. There is enough background to try to answer this (without making the bags smaller), yet still not enough to complete the story, allowing the viewer's imagination to take over.

    An interesting image.

    Brutal Enough?

  2. Hi Geoff,

    I like the size of the bags in the frame and how they are arranged.

    The only thing that is a little distracting is that the bag on the right is lined up with the rock behind it. And the top of the bag, and top of the rock are almost the same colour, so they kind of blend together a bit.

    Maybe that's a good thing though?
    After looking at it some more, I notice that the middle bag has the same colour as the rock behind it as well. Did you do that on purpose?

    My favourite bag is the one that has fallen over and spilled its contents on the ground. It's almost like it's saying "I'm so full and tired from mowing that I can't stand up anymore."

    Nice photo.
    I can almost smell the grass.

  3. Geoff,

    Like Craig said, the colours of the bags are really similar to the background, making them blend in and not separate. Perhaps taking the photo from a slightly different angle that offers a more contrasting background would have been better.

