Sunday, February 13, 2011

30,000 feet over Mt Fuji

While on a recent trip to Taiwan I had the opportunity to photograph Mt Fuji from 30,000 feet in the early morning. Here is the result of my efforts.

30,000 feet over Mt Fuji
Canon PowerShot G10 at 85mm EFL
1/500s, f/4.0 & ISO 80 - through dirty aircraft window glass

It's tough to make a sharp photograph through several layers of glass in your typical commercial airliner window, so the quality isn't as good as it could be. However I'm wondering about your thoughts on including the wing in the upper portion of the frame. I feel it gives clear context to the location where the photo was taken and therefore, adds an element to the story about this image. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,

    I have two different feelings depending on it the wing is there or not.

    When the wing is present, it makes me feel like I'm sitting there looking out of the window with you.

    When the wing is not present, I get the feeling I'm watching a documentary about it on TV.

    I'd keep the wing in there I think.

