Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hi All,

Here's an older shot from my collection. The inner workings of a Dandelion.

Canon EOS 7D with a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM at 160mm EFL
1/500s, f/5.6 & ISO 200 - handheld

If I were to shoot this again, I would have traded some shutter speed for more depth of field.

However my question is really about cropping. This time I went for a landscape shot to show more of the seed heads of the dandelion. However would a tighter vertical be more interesting? Perhaps something that uses the radial lines below the core, guiding the viewer to the detailed inner structure of a dandelion.


  1. Hi Steve,

    I really like this one.

    I didn't know that they looked so cool up close.

    Did you take this photo in the wild or did you bring it inside to shoot?

    I would reframe it slightly so that you could see the tips of the fluffy bits at the bottom as well, and maybe move the hub more towards the top left of the frame. I really like the fluffy bits and seeing the details in each one of those as much as I can.

    Also, did you hand pluck the fluffy bits off?

    I'm going to have to look around for some of these now myself.

    Nicely done.


  2. Craig,

    I was out and about looking for some dandelions to shoot. I wanted a full one but could only find this half broken one so I took a couple of quick shots and moved on. As it turned out I really liked this more than the complete ones I photographed later.

    I see what you mean by the reframing. It's a little too sharp on the lower edge. Perhaps a little larger so that it gets soft again all around the edge would be better.

